I have to admit, Joseph is one of my absolute favorite characters in the Bible. I love his story and just how God uses him. Our family is working on and talking about the attitude of respect and our over all attitude and I thought studying Joseph is a good case study on the subject.
We started the evening with craft so it could dry. We just glued squares of different color tissue paper to a plain white sheet of paper. Simple yet easy. This represented the cloak Joseph's father gave him.
Then we danced as this is always a family night tradition.
After we danced we read the first part of Joseph's life from the girls Bible. We talked about how to have a good attitude. We looked at each character's attitude in the story and talked about whether or not they were pleasing to God or not then we did some role play with our words and intonations. Overall, very simple but still a good night.
I am looking forward to adding to the story in this weeks family time. Thanks for reading!
Posted to Raising Rock Stars.
I so agree! Megan, we love Joseph and his coat. I love the pictures and the costumes! Been following you...hope you can stop by and follow back!
I'm looking forward to doing this lesson even more now- looks great!