
Sunday, April 22, 2012

I want to be...

In February Lydia wrote and essay about what she wants to be when she grows up.  We entered it in the SMART529 essay contest in hopes of winning some scholarship money but it didn't win.  Oh well, there is always next year.

Though parents and teachers are allowed to help I chose to let her writing truly reflect where she is in her writing ability and offered nothing but encouragement to write the words she thought were best.  Here is what she wrote.

When I grow up I want to be a cook.  I like going to the Union Mission to help make food.  I go there to make food for people who don't have food.  Each time I go I help other people cook.  So far I have helped make toast and cut potatoes.  I made soup and grilled cheese.  I think being a cook would be fun because I love making things.  People need to eat so I will always be helping people.

I think she did a great job and I know she meant every word she wrote.  She has a great heart to serve people and is a great helper.  She really does delight in serving at the Union Mission and wishes we did it every week.  I pray that she would continue to have a zeal to serve and bless people.  I look forward to her being old enough to accompany me on mission trips both near and far. 

Lord, draw Lydia to you.  Allow Your passion for the lost and hurting in this world to become her passion.  May Your heart to heal and nurture become her heart.  And as scary as those word are to pray sometimes, I pray for my mommy heart to release her into your care that she can effect great change for You in the ways that You have uniquely and specially gifted her.  Amen.


  1. So sweet. Caleb submitted one too..but his hopes were dashed last week as well;) Fun nonetheless to see their hearts and hopes for their own future as we help them figure these things out it will be exciting to see how the Lord completes the work he has started...

  2. this is so precious! i can truly see her heart in this! I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being a cook! :)
