
Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 31 prayer - Finishing Strong

Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. 1 Corinthians 9:24-26a

Dear Lord, as this month of prayer for my daughters ends I know it is not really over.  I will continue to come before You with requests on their behalf and desire for You to lead me as I pray according to Your will for their lives.  I pray that Lydia and Emma would run for the prize, that they would not get sidetracked by the many distractions surrounding them.  Help me to teach them to live with a view of eternity and guide them to be disciplined in their lives when I am not able to be there. I pray that they would not measure their days as sucessful as the world defines sucess but as You define it.  I pray that they would run their whole lives for You and that they would follow hard after You.  Refine me and help me to pour out my life for my husband and children so that in the end I may not be disqualified but that I would finish strong.  Thank You Father, for this precious month of joining thousands of other women praying for the beautiful girls in our lives.  We know that You hear our prayers and we eagerly await the work You are doing as a result of our petitions.  I love You and pray that You would give Lydia, Emma and myself a desire to know You more.  Amen.

If you want to read the rest of the 31 days of praying for our daughters check out the MODsquad blog.  I did not post my prayers everyday but I did prayer.  I was very blessed as a result of this challenge this month and hope that you too prayer for your children and special kids in your life.  Blessings and thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall learning #1 - apples

Here are the fall activities we did over the last month.  Great fun learning and growing together.

10 Apples up on top

Apple measurements (they even got to measure mommy!)

Apple Science - Jar 1.Clean apple cut and placed in jar. Jar 2. Apple cut rubbed with our hands (germs) and placed in jar.

Roll an apple tree

Roll and apple tree

Monthly memory verse: "A man gathers a crop from what he sows." Gal.6:7

Fall sensory bin

Parts of an apple

eraser stamping parts of an apple
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Pick the Pears
  • The Giving Tree
  • Apple Fractions
  • The Man who Sold the Shade
  • Mr. Peabody's Apples
  • Apple's, Apple's, Apple's
Recipe: Fill a crock pot with cored and sliced apples, squirt of lemon juice and 1/2 c water and let the crock pot do the rest.  Mash or use an immersion blender for the consistency you like.

Homemade applesauce and apple butter. Yummy!

Fisrt Snow

First snow of the season! Of course it wasn't enough snow to do much of anything with but the girls still enjoyed going out.  I chose not to put them in all their winter gear but regreted the decision as soon as they both slid and fell down.  Oh well, live and learn.

When do you usually have your first snow? What is your favorite snow activity? Thanks for reading.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Stolen Moments

I was recently talking to a friend of  mine who is homeschooling her kindergartener.  She said it feels like this is a stolen year that so many people don't get.  I loved the thought and can totally relate to the idea of stolen moments with our kids.  Being a stay at home mom I have had and continue to have stolen moments with my girls.  Despite a few evenings out with friends, a Bible study or two and a handful of retreats I have been here for every moment of my kids lives.  I will always cherish that. 

The question that I have though is, how do we continue to have those stolen moments when we send our kids off to school? What happens if you are a working mother? How can we ensure we still have moments that are special, unique, or should I say "stolen" in the midst of busy lives?  I am far from an expert but I would like to suggest 3 ways that help me experience those special stolen moments.

1. Plan for them. There is nothing more special to my husband or my children than when I plan a special date, project or time with them.  I love finding inspirational ideas for creative things to do with my kids from other parents, blogs I read and most importantly just watching my girls in action.  I love seeing where their imaginations and passions are and then planing something to specifically match their interests.  This is probably my favorite way to create memories and have special moments with my family whether as a whole or as individuals.

2. Make them part of your routine. I know it may seem ridiculous to say you can plan or make special moments happen, but in my experience, you can.  One activity our family regularly participates in is what we call word box. Often times when we eat dinner together (yes, we eat together every night) the girls will request we play word box.  I found these great conversation questions and we all go around and answer the question.  I realize this may not sound much like a special moment but let me remind you , kids say some pretty funny things.  I wish I could say I was really good about writing down, blogging or scrap booking their funny answers but I am not.  I do like to think that the lasting effect of those moments is greater than my inability to document them! The key here is to evaluate the things you already do in life and see if you can't come up with a creative way to build in memories.  If you are in the car together, eating dinner, bath time, homework, bed time, these are all great times to build in moments that draw you closer to each other and to God. We don't always have to look for ways to add to an already full schedule we can just capture the moments that are just part of the life you are already living.

3. Recognize and revel in them when they happen. One day last week Lydia was up and ready particularly early and we had an unexpected moment together as a family.  Rather than our usual running around and trying to get out of the house on time we had a fun dancing time in the living room.  I am sometimes uniquely aware of how quickly my girls are growing up and on this particular morning I was totally present and engaged.  Justin was walking through the room with his ipad and was listening to something (as he often is) and I just started to dance with Lydia.  Justin turned it up and began dancing too.  Then Emma joined in and we had such a fun and refreshing time together.  It only lasted about 5 minutes but they were a special and for me "stolen" few minutes. I can think of nothing greater than living with the ability to recognize, cease and revel in these unplanned times.  I defintely lean heavier towards the first 2 ways but God often surprises me with the unexpected moments just to keep me humble and expectant. 

Our families are worth fighting for. Our husbands and our children need to know how much we love them by showing them how we love them.  I hope you find some ideas you can use in your own life to steal away some moments with your family in the upcoming week.  Please feel free to share what works for you in your family and what some of your favorite moments are.  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18 Prayer - Quiet

Lord, the world around us is busy and hectic. We live in a fast pace society and one that is very loud.  Everyone and everything is clamoring for our attention.  I pray that Lydia and Emma would learn how to discern Your voice above everything else in their lives.  I pray that as they see me regularly spend time in quiet with You that they too would desire to have quiet in their lives.  As they get older and the world tries to plug them in more I pray that they would learn how to quiet themselves and unplug; that they would learn how to hear from You and know Your still small voice.  I pray that You would teach us as a family how to listen to Your voice and follow You in the secret and quiet places.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Scarecrow Pete

I love all things fall! For some reason my creativity abounds more in fall than any other time and my crafting comes out for my kids to enjoy.  This month we have been focusing on all things fall and we read the book Scarecrow Pete by Mark Kimball Moulton. It is an incredibly cute book about how a boy makes a friend in the garden and how his friend Scarecrow Pete helps him learn to love reading.

Supplies you will need:
  • small mason type canning jar with lid and ring
  • small square of off white cloth
  • small amount of batting
  • fabric paint or markers
  • hat, nose and necktie for scarecrow

I really don't think I need to explain how to make the craft as it is pretty self explanatory and if you have any crafting ability, believe me when I say you can do this one.

I printed out a bunch of bible verses to put inside and each day we will take time to read one.  During the month of November we will write on a slip of paper something we are thankful for and put it inside Pete.  Overall it was a fun craft, a cute book and it is my prayer that the greatest book of all makes a permanent mark in my kids lives. Thanks for reading.

I am linking up to stArt at A Mommy's Adventures and Kids Get Crafty at Red Ted Art.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 17 Prayer- Faithfulness

Lord, You are so faithful.  Even when we are not, You are.  I pray that Lydia and Emma would learn of Your faithfulness and Your steadfast love for them.  I pray that You would overwhelm them with experiences in life that allow them to see and personally understand Your faithfulness.  There will never be a situation that You will turn Your face from and there will never be a time where they will fall further than Your grace has the ability to catch them.  I pray that I am willing to be a testimony to how You are faithful to me and that they can learn from my love for You.  You are good, You are great and You are worthy of all my praise.  Thank you ever so much for Your faithfulness. Amen.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Message in the mirror

Writing messages for daddy. Lydia wrote: "You are the best dad in the hol intir wrld."

So incredibly excited!
Sometimes we all need to feel special, loved, appreciated.  Take a dry erase marker and leave a message on a mirror.  Make someone else know how much you care and make their day. (or night as the pj's and wet hair imply.)

Day 10 Prayer - Endurance

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop  endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. Romans 5:3-5

Lord, I pray that Lydia and Emma would learn the importance and rewards of endurance.  Not all the rewards are immediately visible but they are life changing.  I pray that You would help them navigate the trials and difficulties in their lives and draw them closer to You during the times when they believe You to be distant from them.  I pray that  their character would grow through these trials and that You would ultimately and finally be their HOPE.  You are a great God and You can do in my girls lives more than I know.  I pray that You take these prayers and perfect them. Lord, help me teach my girls how to depend on You and listen to the Holy Spirit who can fill all our hearts with Your love. A love that is unashamed and never ending.  Amen.

Took the weekend off blogging but not praying.  Many blessings to you!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7 Prayer - Thoughts

Dear Lord, I pray that Lydia and Emma would place their faith in You and find their hope in You always.  I also pray that they would learn the practice of taking every thought captive. The enemy wants nothing more than our minds because where our mind goes our body follows.  I pray that You would supernaturally guide them to place their steadfast mind on You and think of all that You have done and all that You are.  Allow their lives to shine brighter than stars in this dark and depraved world. Amen.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 6 Prayer - Hope

Dear Lord, what I really want to pray right now is that You would protect my girls.  That You would keep them from all harm.  But I also know that all of us will experience trials and sorrow.  They are a guarantee in life in this broken, broken world.  I know my best efforts to pray for protection from evil, from physical harm, from abuse and from so many of the awful things in this world are heard by Your ears.  You will protect them and lead them and guide them.  I pray that they look to You in every and all situations.  But more than the protection I desire for my girls I pray that You would produce in them an everlasting HOPE! A hope that comes in the darkness when all seems lost. A hope that reaches into the crevices and barren places of the soul.  A hope that overcomes the world. (John 16:33) You oh Lord are that Hope! I pray with everything I am that I am willing to give testimony to the Hope You have given me. (1 Peter 3:15) Let Your hope, Your love, Your faithfulness transcend and surpass any of life's circumstances.  You alone are my Rock and my Redeemer. May Your name be praised forever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5 Prayer - Purpose

Obviously I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant. Galatians 1:10

Lord, it is so difficult at times not to go looking for our worth, significance and purpose in other people.  I pray that Lydia and Emma would not get caught in the comparison trap but would look to You for fulfillment and satisfaction.  I know that You want to work this out in my life as well so that I can model this type of God-honoring life in front of thier watching eyes.  Glorious Father, guide Lydia, Emma and myself to desire Your approval and help us to remember that bringing Glory to Your name is our highest purpose. Amen.

At times, when it comes to praying for our children the message is just as much for ourselves as it is for them.  Their eyes are always watching, observing and learning which means we need to desire God to do in our lives that which we plead for Him to do in their lives.  Thanks for reading and be blessed!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4 prayer - Time

Father in Heaven, I pray that Lydia and Emma would learn how to spend their time wisely.  Let them learn to accept what comes their way and be led by You.  I pray that You would order their steps and that they would choose to look to Your plan for their lives.  You are a great God and worthy of all that we have.  May we all be a blessing to You in how we spend our time. Amen.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3 prayer - Truth

You are following a different way that pretends to be Good News but is not the Good News at all. You are being fooled by those who deliberately twist the truth concerning Christ. Galatians 1:6b-7

Lord, I pray You would protect Lydia and Emma from the schemes of the evil one who wishes to twist and distort the Good News.  Freedom in this life comes only through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection.  I pray that Lydia and Emma would be grounded in Your truth and have the ability to discern between truth and lies.  Lead and guide them on the path of truth recognizing You are THE way, THE truth and THE life.  As their mother, teach me how to instruct them to stay alert to satan's schemes and I pray that You would strengthen our family to turn to You in any and all situations.  Amen.

Be reminded that as parents God has given us the opportunity to make a difference in future generations by what we do now.  That is not something I can do without prayer.  We should never take for granted the importance of prayer on this parenting journey.  Blessings!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2 Prayer - Rescue

Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. Galatians 1:4

Lord, I pray that Lydia and Emma would come to fully understand and accept the truth of Your gospel message.  I pray they would understand the depth of our human need and would place their faith in You alone. You indeed are the only One who can rescue.  I pray that they would grow to depend on Your ability to rescue them and that they would learn that in all things they can trust in You.  Lord, I pray that I am willing to let my children fall and fail so they can further understand Your divine ability to rescue them.  I accept Your grace in my life and acknowledge how often I want to be my girls rescuer.  Help me to always point them to the true Rescuer.  Lord, be blessed in my life and in Lydia and Emma's lives as well.  Amen.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 1 Prayer - New

Today is a new day and also the first day of a new month.  I am feeling an awakening and a stirring and I know God can do amazing things in my life and the life of my family members.  Today I am starting another challenge, or should I say journey, to pray for my daughters every day.  Now, this is something that I already do but I am joining the MODSquad in being intentional about it over the next 31 days.  I already have a journals with the requests I have made to God on behalf of my girls but I have a heart still full of more petitions to be made on their behalf.  If you wish to join me in praying for your daughters (sons welcome to) then check out the MODSquad website for more information.  Thanks for reading. Be blessed!

Lord, I thank You that You make all things new and that You have ordained the next 31 days as a public way for me to pray for my children.  This truly is a new thing You are doing in my life and I am excited to see all that You desire to accomplish.  Thank You for Your grace which is new every morning.  Amen.