
Saturday, April 16, 2011

School Daze

My sweet girls and some of their favorite animals.

I know anyone who regularly reads this blog may wonder what has happened to me, but I assure you I am still here. I've had several blog posts about our weekly school activities looming over me for a month now but still have not made time to post them. In an effort to relieve the number of posts and my failing memory I will just post the highlight of the last several weeks and if you have any questions about what you see leave me a comment. Thanks.

Letter of the week: P is for Princess, Q is for Quilt, R is for Rainbow (St. Patrick's Day week) , S is for Spider, T is for Transportation, U is for Umbrella (weather week)

I have not posted all our crafts or activities but just a small sampling of what has been going on.

Examining a nature tray.

My puzzle girl. She loves them and is really good at them too.

Just because. I can never get enough of her eyes and her sweet smile.
